the rock

Manny, Ginny Condrey tells me the plan is to have the online registration available one month before the event. So look for it around Feb 10th.
I enjoyed the test day there in 05. I think the place will "race" pretty well. The banking is fun and not as intimidating as Lowe's, and the entrance to the infield far more forgiving.

Only real "issue" is the entrance to the banking. That is a ROUGH transition if you get it wrong. It will be broken spoiler (or worse) land I am sure. has a nice page on the track, videos, telemetry, turn-by-turn guides, etc :)

the entrance to the infield is pretty interesting, makes for some great racing because of the 2 vastly different "good" lines
this may sound stupid but i have to ask, for the 2007 racing year does your car have to have 2 side bars on each side?
it would appear that the ECR has been split into 2 groups... interesting.

As I recall, they've always run 2 groups for the ECRs at Rockingham, that track is just too small to fit everyone. Also, the banking would be asking for trouble with ITS (ITR?) cars on the track at the same time as the ITC guys.

Hopefully it is an oversight that ITR was not included in the ECR group, and they'll get to run after all.

does any one know if regristration is open for the race at the rock on march 10 th?

Registration is open, I just registered yesterday. Go to the NC region calendar for the link.
...That's a crappy, crappy run group.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! Moving ITS means that I don't have to worry so much about getting run over!!! :happy204:

Seriously, I know running with SRF is no fun (you just don't see 'em) but is it just a matter of dodging all the Miatas??? You guys are still the fastest class in the group.
A good SRF is as fast as an ITS car, and the fastest ones are usually a second or two faster than the best S cars.

In that run group, I get stuck in a mass of SRFs since I'm a mid pack S car. I'm faster than them on the straights, but they dive bomb under braking and pass me in corners, in places where I am committed to a particular line.

Running with SRFs is like combat. Not knocking them or their driving skills, they are just very different cars from us.

They have split start the Miatas in the past so I have not seen them, but teh very top SMs are scary enough as fast as a midpack S car........maybe not at the Rock though, we'll see.
...they dive bomb under braking and pass me in corners, in places where I am committed to a particular line....

been there, done that. an SRF came up on my left going into 10 at VIR last fall. Had to bail and I ended up off DR going down the hill sideways.

...but teh very top SMs are scary enough as fast as a midpack S car........maybe not at the Rock though, we'll see.

Never been there, but Rockingham seems to be much more about straighaway speed and less so about cornering. Maybe you'll luck out!

In any case, I hope to see you there!
Definitely MIke, hope to see you there as well.

Honestly, a lot of my beef with the run groups is that I know the guys in S, A and 7, and know (and trust) how they drive. When I see ricky t., or Tristan, or Steve E. or Jay M. or Steve P. or Chris H. or Russ B. or Robert M. or Rex or Chris N. etc. etc. etc. etc. I know exactly what to expect.

They guy in the yellow SRF may be a great driver, but I have no idea who it is.
Honestly, a lot of my beef with the run groups is that I know the guys in S, A and 7, and know (and trust) how they drive. When I see ricky t., or Tristan, or Steve E. or Jay M. or Steve P. or Chris H. or Russ B. or Robert M. or Rex or Chris N. etc. etc. etc. etc. I know exactly what to expect.[/b]

So what are you saying about those stuck in C and B? hmmmm? :eclipsee_steering:
Hoop, not a thing, not a thing. My run group usually is S/A/7, and I know those guys. SRF and SM I don't.

Don't know a lot of B and C drivers cause I don't usually run with them, but at least I can SEE their cars and at least their cars are not bouncing off of each other........