... I can't see that VIR has done anything out of the norm for a business ...[/b]
Hmm.. had I been in VIR's position, I would have approached the Region, explained my reasons for giving the date to someone else, and at least given the Region the option to meet or beat the deal. I certainly would not have simply given the date to someone else and let the Region find out by happenstance. Had I not wanted to give the Region that simple courtesy, I would have at least not implemented the change until the 2008 session. My personal feeling is that something of this import, and wide reaching impact (financially, etc.), should not be a surprise.

... major investment by Mr. Seigal the New York Investment Broker who took the track which was abondoned and in shambles and rebuilt it... Other than being participants what are we doing to help the track achieve the goals of being the premier road racing course in America....[/b]
Let's absolutely not allow the passage of a few years to dim the remarkable gift that the VIR owners, management, and staff have given us. It is a world class venue. I also feel that the Region had a part in making VIR what it is today. I feel that we significantly advanced VIR along the timetable to greatness by providing them with a professional, well trained pool of workers and speciality chiefs to staff their amateur and pro events and to train their own pool of workers. We helped them determine the location of the armco, tire walls, hard barriers, and worker stations. We purchased and installed the wonderful worker stations on the course (with concrete foundations and stairs where appropriate). We expanded the tech shed by creating a scale room with in-ground scales. We initiated them into the world of extended endurance races with our initial 8 hour, and current 13 hour races. We created great friendships with the wonderful folks employeed by the track. I like to think that anytime they called, we answered.

Did we receive a lot in return for all of the above? Absolutely. Do I wish the situation in question had been handled differently by VIR? Absolutely.

I'm not saying that VIR has to treat the Region any differently than any other customer. I'm saying that, because of everything we've contributed, they should want to.