I paid $214 each for my 9lb SSR's when the Tire Rack only had 2 sets left (SSR got bought and the new compnay was draining stock of old product before they introduced new versions). I bought them both. When trying to figure out if they were worth it, I talked with someone with a ton of experience. He said, "You have the opportunity to save 4lbs of unsprung PER corner for $400? NO BRAINER.

It was tough to swallow but when you put it in that context, it really is in the grand scheme of things.

The Motegi TrackLite's are $232 at 9.0lbs in 15x7 for the Miata.

The Wedsports TC005 are also nice at $219 - 10.7 lbs on closeout - down from $299!

These cars have so little torque, acceleration is hard to come by and handling is their strength...that I placed a high value on unsprung weight savings.