My original thought was using the finishing race results and inverting that order, not qual. results. I didn't see (or remember) that the format was already determined. I still think it would be fun to use some non-traditional formats.

Some of my most fun races have been when I started waaaaay in the back. Once because a part broke and I was busy trying to get it fixed and missed qualifying. Another because I was new to the track and I just sucked. It's to the point where I've been giving some thought about qualifying, then "accidently" coming to false grid too late causing me to be put dead last. I've also thought about trying to convince a few competitors to do the same, unless you're chicken Ray.
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I will admit that a part of me wonders if mid-pack / back markers would think I&#39;m being a jerk for doing this. I&#39;m not sure how I would have felt.

I can&#39;t find any proof on any websites, but... I remember starting the 2004 NARRC Runoffs from last 4? on grid as I didn&#39;t qualify... we got about 6 or maybe 7 green flag laps and I gained 20 something spots in those 6 or 7 laps!!! It was a blast, and most were gained on the 1st lap Someday I will get to posting the video Certainly the most fun races are certainly starting from the back, but hier is an increased risk to worry about!!!

As said before, I do like the idea of inverting the grid after the first race
