
Jakes just jealous 'cause us Florida boys are still racing, while his car is in a garage somewhere snowed in for 3 more months. Us "Florida dudes" belts wear out quicker 'cause we race 11 months a year! :P

Its all good people, this is a good topic. I've always thought that we should be able to move the batteries to a safer location after having (and having seen many others) worker uniforms destroyed by acid during "incident" clean up. BTW, I wrote several letters to that effect during the 90's, but was denied because the IT cars back then were much more like street cars than they are now. Pete Keane and his brother used to drive their car to the track the first 2 years I knew them.

Is this topic just IT rules? Prod cars can have fiberglass fenders, hoods, trunklids, and bumpers, but must have metal doors...just the metal skin though..WTF?

We all have to play by the rules, but some are way funnier than others.

Carry on!
