Thanks Jake for singling me out but, while your at it, tell me why they let us put in a fuel cell? Safety. Andy has told me that you always look " Big Picture" BS!

Don't whiz down my back and then tell me it's raining..........

We were asked for our opinion and I gave one. Then you have to conjure up some smart remark about what I said. What is your problem with me. Out of all the people on this forum YOU start more $hit than anyone. Well, I would prefer you take me off your list of people to piss off. And if I must , I will assist you.

Rick Thompson
Rick, first, I have NO problem with you...I have no list of people to piss off, and I only take umbrage with two or three posters troll who loves to bring up the BMW issue, and another named Mattberg, who kind of ticks me off because he does nothing but whine and tell people who volunteer their time what self serving wastes they are. I DO take big issues with that, adn I'm not afraid to say so.

But you? way.

My comments weren't aimed at anyone, actually. I skimmed the 3 pages of comments, and read a couple of "repeats"...items that have been discussed before. I can't tell you who said what, and my comments were purely trying to illustrate a point...that I'm more concerned about an organization that goes around trumping safety (SFI) and then our club, which buys into the recommendation of that organization, through the opinions of it's President, who interestingly enough, serves as a member of our 3 person safety commitee.

Thats the kind of rule that kind of irks me. It smacks of a conflict of interest, and seems self serving.

Washer bottles? Not on my radar, that's all.

Please Rick, I had NO idea you would take offense...I have the highest regard for you. Sorry for any misunderstanding.