Oh boy this sounds like fun :026: the Fiero is a cool looking car so if enough of these things show up the kids will have a cool car to build and may even bring some more young blood into SCCA racing. After a while development will gather and the bugs will be worked out and the car will show colors.

Hoop,you say the 4 banger can make 300 hp? i know they made a marine engine in the iron duke at around 200 hp. did any of these things show up in street cars? when they were stopping production of the Fiero could they have dropped some of these engines in the cars to get rid of them. how many would it take to make it a IT legal engine? if at all for that matter. just kidding not worth the look and effort. i like the 87 and 88 v6 cars only and just because the way they look. If you could keep the front end calm it could be a fun fast car. Engine parts would be cheap but the other stuff will be a problem maybe???
