Well, feel free to write a letter and request it.

The ITAC won't ....and can't be concerned with the cost of building a motor to the same limits that other cars build to. If cost is the reason you think the car should be moved, that aint gonna happen, for the reasons listed above. (And I am very aware that a 944 ITS motor from Milledge will run over $20K with Motec. Gag...)

Limiting power isn't something that the ITAC likes either. Heck, when the CRB (sorry gus) decided that the E36 needed an SIR, I called Jeff and Ron and said..."So, lets talk about that list of cars you have for a class above ITS...think the E36 would fit in there with no restrictions, big wheels and less weight?" Yup....nobody likes artificially limiting HP in IT land. Maybe we're just old fashioned...

The ITAC tried very hard to create performance envelopes for each class, and have them be close enough to each other for seamless classing. But it wasn't easy as the structure was existing, and we tried to be very careful with the moving of cars and weight adjustments...

Which brings us to weight....if the letter writer suggests, and research backs the claim up, that the car just can't make it's process weight, then the ITAC has to take a serious look and consider options.

Other related comments:
-The process and the formula: The process does take into account the physical attributes of the car and it's engine. Major factors are considered, (FWD vs RWD), and engine type is too. However, it's not so fine a process as to spit out different numbers for air cooled 6 and water cooled inline 6 cylinder engines, for example. Which is too bad, in a way, and why you'll probably never see a Porsche 911 in IT.

The rotaries have, over the years, proven themselves as overacheivers. Now, if we applied standard process to them, they'd clean up. So clearly the process must take into account such factors. But.....it mustn't assume that just because the engine is a rotary, that it will yeild the same gains as it's brethren from 20 years ago.

So, yes, to some degree, where there is only one model of a particular physical attribute, there will be model specific process applications...until another car comes along with the same attributes.