But then it should cost me the exact same to put liability on all of my cars. But in truth the prices are different based on the potential of the car. take a NA car vs. its turbo model, there are differnent liablitiy rates.[/b]
Personal auto insurance is far different that event liability insurance. And remember, the liability coverage has NOTHING to do with the cars in our case. With a personal auto liability policy it has everything to do with it. Millions of numbers are crunched by actuaries at insurance companies allocating portions of personal auto liability risk using historical data based on everything from number of cylinders to potential driving distraction features. THey tehn assign a value to each of those policy components and come up with a number based on claims already filed. The average rate of liability claims involving a certain car and driver profile is x, therefor the premium is 1/x. But to tell you the truth, liability on different cars for the same driver shouldn't differ that much. My 1999 truck and my 2006 Acura are only $30 apart for the same coverage.

In the case of our libility for the event it's just about how many people are there and the likelihood of something happening outside the event activity for which someone could be held liable for damages beyond the general insurance. How many cyclinders are in the cars or how fast they go doesn't figure into it. The only common thread is that it's insurance to protect against lawsuits not medical coverage.