James and others the prices and facts can be found in this document:


Discussion is the only way that things will ever change. SO IT IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME IN THIS CASE.

Interesting document... I can say that this is the ONLY place that I have read actual fact that I trust as it comes directly from SCCA. If you have other documents you can site links to that would/could possibly also be interesting to read. This particular document doesn't mention any proof on how the rates are determined, it just states the current rates. Who determines the rates, is it the Insurance carrier or SCCA? If it is the Insurance carrier we don't have much choice, they offer what they offer. If it is SCCA distributing the cost across different events then thier HAS TO BE a process that is/was followed, does anyone now what that process is? Does anyone know our experience levels for each catagory listed?
