I don't want to put anyone's nose out of joint, but why does Atlanta region feel the need to inject a region-only series in to what it generally more of a national-appeal race weekend? It seems to cause more problems than it solves. With schedule constraints already evident and more cars coming with new/growing classes, it seems logical that Pro-IT would be the race to do away with.

It's also not fair to the point-chasing Pro-IT competitors to have to deal with out of towners invading their race on Friday because a) they couldn't make the Thursday test day, or they wanted even more track time just because they could.

My suggestion would be to ditch the Pro-IT, conclude the points chase after the prior ATL region event, and keep the ARRC on a path of broader appeal, which is how I view it. It may technically still be a 'regional' event, but with the influx of non-region cars, this is certainly not your typical regional.

ARRC sprint races should continue to be the focus of the weekend, but I would like to see a little less trying to be "everything to everyone", with all the extraneous races; simplify the Sunday schedule and get the enduro back to 3 hours or more.

I'm looking forward to another wonderful ARRC weekend.