The Longest Day is Back! 24 hours at Nelson

It's NEOhio's race. They're perfectly within bounds creating any sort of entry-preference system they want. Nothing in the GCR or the Ops Manual restricts that.

It's not a democracy. No flag-waving and singing egalitarian fight songs while dragging people to the guillotines. If they want to reserve slots for potential 'sponsor-linked' entrants, to garner publicity, further sponsor interest or even just snag free hot dogs for Joe to sling at the concession trailer, that's OK. They need to serve their own core constituency...their own members and competitors...and it's not unethical/immoral/unsporting/subversive to create an entry system that does just that. Mirror of life, actually.

They have two major obligations:
1.) Make money on the event
2.) Follow the GCR and whatever Supplementals they create

They're an experienced 'racing Region'...I'm confident that they'll do #2, as they always do. Any lattitude they need to hit item #1....they should take. That might include sponsor-linked teams, etc. Scheduling of past 12's at the Ledges have been pinched in among a busy Nat'l & Reg'l schedule, and in close proximity to the SP12, which has thinned the field. The August date seems like a winner....the Nat'l season, in most divisions, has dwindled by then, and the RunOffs are still a long way away.

More power to'em.

Will I lobby for a system that includes any the preferences mentioned by others ? Sure...I want to 'get in', too. But...I'm not going to start trying to run their Region for them.
Of course, John is right. I was just replying to "I need input on how to keep entries fair for all..."

Another pet peeve (if anyone cares) - numbers. At VIR, we were forced to cover up these...


...complete with reflective backgrounds, with these...


...under pointed threats of exclusion.

I TOTALLY understand why number visibility is an issue but am frankly irritated that those of us who do the right thing get punished right along with those who can't make their numbers visible in the first place. It costs everyone $$ and becomes one more task for an overworked region to deal with for a long race.

Instead, specify what is required in the supps ("black sans serif font numbers on pure white backgrounds," or whatever) and contact someone with a mobile vinyl cutter to be on-site to sell appropriate stuff to anyone who shows up with goofy, loopy stock car numbers in red-on-blue, with silver drop shadows...

My issue isn't with sponsor placards (a la what we had at this past Summit 12). That's totally OK.

Kirk (who takes appearances seriously)
Well I knew it wasnt a miata or CRX nose. the VW tanks are stronger then those parts. I figured it was either a volvo, vag, or possibly a well placed mazda.
That was a 944 pilot who had 1.5 Porsche widths available under braking for T1, didn't use them, then tried to pass me after I turned in. I'm sure he'd tell you that I "closed the door on him" but if you had seen the speed differential of the hit, what I really did was keep him from sailing off into the grass...

I should have anticipated that he'd be a dork so I take partial responsibility.


EDIT - and to be clear, this was an ITS car that was consistently slower than we were...
That was a 944 pilot who had 1.5 Porsche widths available under braking for T1, didn't use them, then tried to pass me after I turned in. I'm sure he'd tell you that I "closed the door on him" but if you had seen the speed differential of the hit, what I really did was keep him from sailing off into the grass...

I should have anticipated that he'd be a dork so I take partial responsibility.


EDIT - and to be clear, this was an ITS car that was consistently slower than we were...

Uh Kirk, I think you'll be taking full responsibility for that (well, at least for fixing it) :P :birra:
Another pet peeve (if anyone cares) - numbers. At VIR, we were forced to cover up these...

...complete with reflective backgrounds, with these...

...under pointed threats of exclusion.

Instead, specify what is required in the supps ("black sans serif font numbers on pure white backgrounds," or whatever) and contact someone with a mobile vinyl cutter to be on-site to sell appropriate stuff to anyone who shows up with goofy, loopy stock car numbers in red-on-blue, with silver drop shadows...

I'd also like to see the big enduros try to use the same font/size/color (tho I expect they'll be black on white). That way, if you run the SP12, the Nelson 12/24 and the VIR 13h you don't need 3 sets of numbers. The same numbers would work.

Would it be work it to add a refinement to the GCR under the numbering sections in order to cover night races? Then all of the SCCA night races will be the same.

Just a thought.

Would it be work it to add a refinement to the GCR under the numbering sections in order to cover night races? Then all of the SCCA night races will be the same.

Just a thought.


Interesting thought, I support the idea, although their would be an issue with "sponsor" decals. Many times those "big" races have "special" number plates with the sponsor or event name on them (for some reason I only recal the enduro's having them, not sure why other races don't also).

Maybe a suggested/recomended guidline be specified in the GCR for event organizers to maintain consistancy.


Free entry to those who ran the last Longest Day?

I was the entrant, so if anyone wants some bad advice, just ask.

BTW we used four drivers in nominal 2 hour stints (one tank of fuel in the Rabbit). Nominal because if a yellow came out during a drivers stint, (the driver would stay in the car during fueling) then they would get fuel and sent out again. IIRC the supps had a 2 minute minimum stop except in the last two hours. We could certainly change 2 tires and do fuel in 2 minutes.

Dave Z

When your engine blows its rear main seal and the engine builder is driving the pace car what do you do?
Don't think i didn't consider this possibility, having been in exactly that situation when I clobbered Pablo I a month before the VIR 13 last year.[/b]

As Jeff noted, WDCR tied their entry to a driver AND a car. For clarification, that meant that John Doe had to drive on John Doe's team - period, regardless of car. This was specifically designed to keep people from squatting on entry slots by signing up their non- licensed, non-racing members like their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, children and pets as entrants which had happened in previous years. As a result, all entrants had to hold a valid competition license. Then if both John Doe and Jane Doe won slots in the event, they had to field and drive in TWO SEPARATE CARS - one for John and one for Jane.

I find the registration rules to be extreme and silly BUT given our experiences with 12-Hours at the Point, these types of rules are unfortunately very necessary.

I am working on the entry and supps now. I should have most of the info avalible in the next couple of weeks. They are almost done! Stay tune...this is going to be a great race!!!!!!! :eclipsee_steering:
