Of course, John is right. I was just replying to "I need input on how to keep entries fair for all..."

Another pet peeve (if anyone cares) - numbers. At VIR, we were forced to cover up these...

...complete with reflective backgrounds, with these...

...under pointed threats of exclusion.

I TOTALLY understand why number visibility is an issue but am frankly irritated that those of us who do the right thing get punished right along with those who can't make their numbers visible in the first place. It costs everyone $$ and becomes one more task for an overworked region to deal with for a long race.

Instead, specify what is required in the supps ("black sans serif font numbers on pure white backgrounds," or whatever) and contact someone with a mobile vinyl cutter to be on-site to sell appropriate stuff to anyone who shows up with goofy, loopy stock car numbers in red-on-blue, with silver drop shadows...

My issue isn't with sponsor placards (a la what we had at this past Summit 12). That's totally OK.

Kirk (who takes appearances seriously)