What's the fastest 2L 16v lap at WGI or LRP that you can recall?

Still haven't found much for 16Vs, but here's what I've done in the 8V Sciroccos:

2000 ITB Scirocco 1.8L 8V on Goodyear GSCS:
Lime Rock: 1:04.3 (24"-drafting a Volvo, normally in the 1:05s)
WGI Long: 2:26.5
WGI Short: 1:35.5 (probably drafting a Volvo and/or BMW)

2006 ITC Scirocco 1.7L on Hoosier R6:
Lime Rock: 1:05.2 (12"-drafting a Miata, normally in the 1:06s)
WGI Long: 2:28.7

The following might be possible with an all-out effort for next year (assuming reduction from 2320 to 2230 lbs):

2007 ITA Scirocco 1.8L 16V on ???:
Lime Rock: 1:02.7 (guesstimate, lap record is 1:01.4 by Andy )
WGI Long: 2:23.5 (guesstimate, lap record is 2:17.9 by Greg )