Not a problem Cherokee, it's an interesting question of philosophy. But, for IT, the majority believes (including myself) that for the most part, you pick your chariot and you run with it, based on the weight, etc. set by the process.

If you build a 10/10ths Wacko GT and it is slow, well, so it goes.

If you build a 7th/7ths Wacko GT and it wipes the floor with everyone else's 10th/10ths car, well, then it was probably classed wrong.

I think the ITAC is trying to prevent minor tweaking of performance variables like you see in Prod. So, the idea is "roughly" set equal power to weight ratios and then let everyone have at it. Only make a PCA, as allowed by the rules, if something is grossly out of whack.

You take a chance when you build an unknown car in IT. Ron knew that, and I knew that. If it is slow, you're stuck with an expensive piece of art. Trust me, I feel for the guy who wants to build the MGB GT. There is a coolness factor to the oddballs that we all (on this subforum) like. But there is extreme risk too -- in fact, we should be LESS likely to get help than mainstream cars because abandoning the IT philosophy of no/very limited PCAs for an orphan car is just asking for big, big trouble.

Your only real hope with the orphans/oddballs is to pick one that CLEARLY has an advantage in one area. Go for it, and try to develop the car around the advantage. Try as I might, and I have always liked the cars, I just can't see one with the MGB GT in ITB. I do not ever see it running with the Volvos and Golfs and Audis.