No way Steph. SSM is a Regional class just like ITE, SPO, SPU and a variety of open wheel specials. If we can fit them, so be it. They put up 5X what ITC does in terms of participation. They have just as much right to a run group as you do - in a REGIONAL scenario. When the classes in the GCR start to get big enough to mess with the groups - THEN I see some clamping down on undersubsrcibed, regional-only stuff.

Everyone in IT has the opportunity to double dip. When was the last time I ran in ITE? Never - can't afford two race groups. Just because we don't doesn't mean we can't. SM's are faster than SSM's. They look like the same car but they are not.

ITC isn't shrinking because of SSM. It's was just as strong this year as it was the last few years. It MAY shrink in the future but if you love ITC, you love it. ITA is strong because the cars are new, diversified, easy to find parts for and popular - it's not simply a ebb and a flow.

Open wheel guys complaining!!!???!!! They ought to look toward their own house. When I see "Wings and Things" (FA, FC, FF, CFC, FSCCA, SRSCCA, DSR, CSR, S2000, FM) put up UNDER 20 cars in total for 9 or so classes, it makes me wonder if that run group could have been better utilized. At least the Miata guys are putting up the numbers.

Miata club of America. BS. Happens to be a great car with great support that 'fits' in many spots. Oh ya, people actually want to race them. You could run a VW Golf in just as many classes sans SSM - but if you had 20 guys in ITB Golf III's who wanted to run 'Spec III', we would accomodate them as well. It's about what people want to run - and the numbers speak for themselves.

Now - having babbled all that, I have often thought about the idea of a Restricted Regional. First start with cars that are NOT eligible to attend a National race. IT, SSM and all the Regional classes. Add in SM, SRF or whatever other largely subscribed classes you want - goal - 4 run groups and maximum track time. Raise the entry fee to National-level money and see if it works.