2) On the third lap of the video, you see station 2 showing a "vigurous" white flag.

3) I've looked and so have others and there just isn't a flag at station 4. The YouTube version is not as clear as the original, but we can't see a flag on either the original tape or the full length video of the three laps.
I saw station 3 with a "vigurous" flag, but it may have been blue (some of them are light blue, and from the tape one cannot tell the color very well.) I couldn't see anything at station 2, as for the most part, they are not in the view of the camera.

Are we counting stations the same way? Station 1 used to be back where the Fire/Rescue building is now located. Station 2 is the enterence to Big Bend, and 3 is at the exit. 4 is the left hander, 5/5A the start of Noname and 6 no longer exists. 7 is the bottom of the hill, 8 is at the top. 9 is West Bend, 10 is just before the bridge, and 11 is the Diving Turn. 12 is just before pit in.

The tape does offer an interesting perspective on just how difficult it is to pick out the flags when going thru various corners as you are looking away from the station much of the time. I know that at 4, if you don't have the flag out when the driver is exiting three (0:27-0:29 in the tape), they won't see it, as they are looking past the turn in, then past the apex, and that is completely away from the station.