I really wish these guys would learn what mirrors are for and not try to race with the ITC leaders as we come thru. [/b]
The same problem exists in ITA/ITB/IT7 - more than one ITA car has endured blocking from some of the ITB leaders and I've almost stuffed at least one IT7 that decided to pass me and move over IN THE BRAKING ZONE before the car was completely past mine.

My race wasn't that exciting - got stuck in the middle at the start, got tagged during the double yellow and broke an axle in lap 8. Oh well, at least it's a simple fix - the General Li will be back to play another day...

As for the Double at Nelson - If I weren't so incredibly busy this month (and incredibly BROKE), I'd be very interested. Perhaps we could make a group pilgramage out there next spring? Nelson isn't nearly as bad as described - I was there for a 12-Hour this year and didn't need a lawn mower or waders BUT the Nelson Ledges mosquitos are special. I lost about 5 lbs of blood in less than 5 minutes due to those hovering B-17s...

Glad to hear that both John and Gregg are OK - it looked like a helluva hit. I was at Start/Finish when y'all took Mr Toad's Wild Ride.