Does anyone know why we still have National events Vs. Regional events?
The only reason I've ever gotten out of a steward, race chairman, etc., was that it was done for economic reasons. The inspiration behind having the Double Nationals was to get more than the normal entry of national drivers to a particular event for the double points, thereby increasing income for the host regions.

In the SOWDIV for 2007, they are going to at least three two day nationals and three two day regionals. The reason I've heard is a worker problem (an explanation I don't yet understand), and a schedule problem. National races take too much time to run, as they are 45 miles rather than the 20 miles for regional.

It's an experiment that I'm curious to see if it will work. I might run some more races there if I can get a double weekend like they used to do. But I imagine I'll go where I can find some competition.