I'm in agreement - you've got a big issue. Therocouples are always installed around 6" out, planes, cars, etc. I've seen the same all over. 1400 would be nice to see, 2000F means you need to stop straight away - it won't last long at all.

The O2 sensors on cars are the transistion type crossing 1V output going rich to lean and visa versa. The ECU ignores the input anyhow at WOT as a couple have pointed out.

Get one of these:


$250 on Ebay all day long. Have one for my Lightning, works well and just as good as higher priced ones.

You don't really need it though, you've got EGTs and that will tell you what you need to know - and it's telling you that you are extemely and dangerously lean.

Fuel pressure might help, but you might have some other issues at work with the injector being bad or something similar - no pulse signal to it, etc.

How are EGTs of other cylinders? If they are fine then you know you have a injector problem with this cylinder. If all are 2000F then you've got pressure and other issues.