Excellent recommendation on fuel Dan. You NEED to be on the track when you are supposed to so don't let low fuel bugger-up a session.

Here are some things you need to focus on:

FLAGS - See them, obey them.

Other cars - be aware where they are, let the drivers know you know where they are with point bys and predictible driving.

Hit your lines and BUILD your speed. It's not a race. Slow is fine at first...an UNDERSTANDING of what is going on around you is much more important.

Show others you can pass safely and BE PASSED safely.

Instructors ask themselves one question at the end of every school when evaluating a driver - would I want to race next to that driver? You don't want them thinking, "He never saw me" or "He missed the flag in T3".

And most of all, be relaxed and have fun. You could be at work!