You should win some kind of prize for that analogy! How was the camaro driver? Is he ok?
He was better after we extinguished his engine fire in the paddock

But as we discussed in the tow truck, I'm concerned that SPMSP (Summit Point Motorsports Park) won't take the necessary steps to keep this from happening again until someone is killed which is (as we all know) way too late.
I bet they will. It took a broken leg to get stairs built going into the tubs on the corners. This was WAY more serious than that (no offence Bob). I suspect there will be some grading at minimum, concrete walls at best in that area by next event. Erosion is the problem. The walls need to be cut 90 to the ground around them. Problem is, over time they erode and become ramps.

Of course, there is sometimes nothing you can do to prevent that. Later the same day, there was the Miata that jumped to the other side of the wall at 4. Who would have thought???

I also suspect there will be narry a photographer standing around there next event either..

BTW, you were running over to the car, it only looked like you were "moseying" because your legs are so short And I need my phone book back before next event, you know, the one you borrowed to sit on at dinner.