Wow, I posted something on a internet message board and not only did no one argue against me, but they actually agreed with me! Damn, that hasn't happened in weeks!

The talk of a centrally located mid-season "IT Festival" started almost immediately after last years ARRC. I talked back then about trying to organize something like that at Mid Ohio, but the only problem with that idea actually replacing the ARRC is that at a track like Mid Ohio, you'd pretty much have to have it by the end of September to ensure any good shot at nice weather. But, if there was some serious interest in it, my home region (Ohio Valley) already has the second weekend of September every year and IT's very own Matt Downing is one of the "head cheeses" around here. We also both enjoy talking and drinking beer.

I'm not at all implying that right at this moment I want to take something like that away from Road Atlanta. Not at all! But, if they take away the make up of a "regional class only championship" themselves, the kids will find a new sandbox.