Another intresting fact - do you know that where my wreck happened I was completely out of view of any corner worker. When I think back, had something serious happened - fire/injury- there is no way the corner workers can see anything in that portion of the track to offer assistance of any kind. It was quite some time until I saw the first corner worker.

I've wondered about that before. It's clear that, even with the tunnel vision of the video camera, you were way out of sight with a fairly major accident. I suppose that the infield corner workers could've seen you...maybe. But it would've taken a while to get someone to you without the dispatch of a crash truck.

When I've raced at Texas Motor Speedway, we had workers (and TMS crash crews) in NASCAR 1,2,3,&4 just in case of such an incident, and it's only a 1.5 mile oval.

Last year they barbequed an EP Mazda in NASCAR 1. The course didn't go yellow until I was past the incident, and I was way at the back in the infield.