Daytona double sarrc

its not red... its Rosso Scudiera. :D

Me thinks Evan was jealous of all the looks that the "Pumpkin 'Teg" got. Maybe a case of Krylon Envy??

Looks great bro...can't wait to see it.
Evan, can you look me up sometime this weekend. I would like to meet you. Yellow Accord #23 ITB. I have any Infinity motor home and a black Pace with KBR on the back door. Thanks PK.

Hey Pete, good to see the accord is comming out! Mike and I will be unloading on Friday, want us to save a space for ya?

New paint on evans car? wow, now it'll look as good as it runs, yay!
Me thinks Evan was jealous of all the looks that the "Pumpkin 'Teg" got. Maybe a case of Krylon Envy??

Looks great bro...can't wait to see it.

I wish it was krylon! I could only get it in Global painter looked at me like I was joking when he realized he had to clear the interior! Looking forward to it this weekend!!
Drat! I've been planning on this for nearly a month, and then my better half reminds me of a wedding we promised to attend this weekend. :(

You guys have fun! :birra:

The wedding can't possibly take two days. Come over for a few hours and torture yourself. Then go to the wedding and continue the torture. :D

Come by the garages where tech is. There is always plenty to talk about, especially if Mike Flynn is around. :o
I wish it was krylon! I could only get it in Global painter looked at me like I was joking when he realized he had to clear the interior! Looking forward to it this weekend!!

Dunno....not sure the red is any better than the white. :P Maybe paisley.

What happened to all you slackers that were coming to Road Atlanta?

Have fun this weekend. I got too much to do around the house and need to save up for the Labor day race, SIC, and ARRC.

I had to work to pay for the trip to the ARRC and Daytona this weekend...DavidM, when are ya going to come down and try out the high banks??
I'm hoping the storm coming will suck the moisture out of the atmosphere and give us a nice dry weekend...dont want to get it wet!!
Ok there was far too much carnage at this race...I'm glad my car came away without a scratch, but there are many cars that left really damaged. I hope Mark is ok he hit the wall pretty hard. I guess the heat got to many people. I thought I was going to see a TR8 there too...
LOL Evan, you had to look fast.

I ran the Sat. qualifying, car ran great, new front spoiler got me 500 rpm on the top end.

Came in, people pointing at the front of teh car -- thought I had cracked the spoiler. Nope, left front hub caught fire, not 100% sure why and that is a new one.

Melted the piston seals in the caliper, replaced those. Bolted back up, and still leaked like a sieve. Actually melted the INNER o-ring seal between the caliper halves as well, and I just don't have that seal.

So, I got 4 laps in. Laps per dollar this weekend wasn't so hot.

Jim C., nice to meet you. I'll be back next year. I had a huge grin on my face for the four laps I did run. Lotsa fun.

Evan, I should be at the SIC. Until I got whacked at Charlotte, I was having a pretty good year.
Jeff, That why I always travel with a set of hubs, and an extra set of calipers. Thats too bad things did not go well. What do you think the 8 is capable of down at daytona. I am thinking of bring mine down in the future.
Hey Evan, Great Job!!
I am sure you saw me sitting in the infield by the horseshoe ,,,,,ARRGH!!!

An ITS Mazda spun a couple lenghts in front of me and you know the term when you spin both feet in!!!!
as in clutch and brake....
Well he let his car roll back across the track and T-boned me in the left rear wheel which put me into a 360 spin and broke my trailing arm and just about everything else,,,,
My crew did round up all the parts from the pull and save and we had it back together for Sunday qualifier.........
Well half way around on the pace lap my motor let go...........I saw your red rocket from two different places the infield in the horseshoe and the kink on the super stretch if only I gad a camera.

Now I get to build the motor I have always wanted for the Saturn...I have been on all stock stuff...Now I just need someone that can tap into the OBD-2 on this thing....

sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you! oh well at least you get to build up a motor! I was sad to see you parked with no rear bumper...i have been in almost the same spot watching a is very frustrating. My car left without a scratch...I got lucky. Good luck on the buildup!
Ok there was far too much carnage at this race...I'm glad my car came away without a scratch, but there are many cars that left really damaged. I hope Mark is ok he hit the wall pretty hard. I guess the heat got to many people. I thought I was going to see a TR8 there too...

Evan- after a few days to asertain the situation I'm left with, here's the report: The S is on life support and we will probably pull the plug tomorrow night - DESTROYED- It's amazing how one mistake can destroy a car so quickly ( and amazing that I have yet to hear a thing from the perp responsible ) though thanks to all others who have contact me to see how I was.

And a HUGE THANKS again to ISAAC.....and to Daytona for the Soft Wall......THey both worked as designed and I'm here today.....That was definately a scary moment.

So I'm gone for awhile as I search for another donor car to start the build process again. Andy has offered his Achieva which will be an intresting switch to a front drive car.....guess it's time to learn to drive both types of drive....

#54 ITS
MARK -- what happened to the car????? You looked great out there Saturday.

Did Greg Ira's Z get crunched as well?

Maybe I'm lucky I broke early.
The Double Yellow came out as we all went into turn 6 . I went low onto the bank and, while still accelerating to stay with the pack, began to slow down and file in for the yellow, next thing I know I was hit in the rear, the car rotated and I took off like the space shuttle straight up into the wall.
I now have new found HUGE respect for the banking there and will never fall in behind anyone's bumper. I wll always give room when we are going around the bank. You really have no control when someone touches you on the bank....we all really have to respect that....consequences are huge.