Nashville Sept 2-3

... Does anyone know why they changed it from a Double SARRC to a Single? I had planned on going until I noticed the change to the schedule. Kind of disappointing, I was really looking forward to it.

... Rick
Same here. I was going to make the long tow (Rick, it is probably 10 hours from Raleigh) until I saw the change to a SINGLE?? Why the change?
I'm going, for two reasons. One, I made it within 30 miles of RA last weekend and had to turn around and go home :bash_1_: . Two, Nashville is two hours from my house, this will be like a home track for me if it works out. My understanding is that the change from a double to a single was a simple reality check. Imagine making the very first SCCA club racing event at any venue a double. If you have been racing for any time at all you'll understand why that can backfire on the organizers. I think it sucks that it's a single now, but as someone who has helped organize large events, I totally understand the logic and will support the event by being there because the years following will be a double if this event is well attended. We need more tracks in this area of the country, and I have enormous appreciation for the efforts being put forth by multiple regions to make this event happen.

see you on course,
Understood, but why not 2 SARRCs instead of a Pro-IT and a SARRC? Most guys don't run PRO-IT, it seems very Atlanta specific.

I think you are going to lose a lot of drivers who might otherwise make the trip because it is SARRC/PRO-IT instead of SARRC/SARRC. Is it too late to change it?

Nashville (I graduated Vandy Law) is a great town, but truly in the middle of nowhere. From Raleigh, I can get to NYC in the same amount of time it takes to get to Nashville.

I would recommend a Double SARRC weekend instead of the as planned Pro-IT/SARRC. I think you will see a significant increase in car count if you do.
Jeff, I agree with you, but this is event is really an Atlanta Region event, and they are very pro-Pro/IT :D

I'll be there for the SAARC, but I'm not running Pro/IT - yet B)
Not everyone can make the Friday test day, and there were (legitimate) concerns about having the first session on Saturday morning be "on the clock". Not knowing what unforseen circumstances might arise (which is why they are unforseen), we could not fit a practice, qualifying and race session for seven run groups (required because we can only put 37 cars on the 1.41 mile track) into Saturday's schedule. If things go well this year, we'll make it a Double in 2007. Dropping Pro-IT will NOT give back enough time to make it a Double this year.

The schedule calls for a 20-minute practice followed by a 15-minute qualifier on Saturday, then a 7-lap qualifying race Sunday morning that sets the field for the 22-lap SARRC race Sunday afternoon.

The Supps have been approved and registration should be open later this week...
Why not 2 SARRCs instead of a Pro-IT and a SARRC? Most guys don't run PRO-IT
I think you are going to lose a lot of drivers who might otherwise make the trip because it is SARRC/PRO-IT instead of SARRC/SARRC. Is it too late to change it?

I would recommend a Double SARRC weekend instead of the as planned Pro-IT/SARRC. I think you will see a significant increase in car count if you do.


... I agree with you 100%. The race was originally scheduled for a Double SARRC. Then about a month ago it was changed. I had made plans to go, but since they changed it to a Single SARRC I do not see where it is worth driving 23hrs round trip for 1.5 hrs of track time. I guess Daytona will be my last race before the SIC. Sad thing is, I was really looking forward to going.

... Maybe next year

... Rick
Same here, I'm out unfortunately. Too far for only one SARRC. Butch, I understand the concern but wasn't Barber (a new track as well?) a Double SARRC first year? What about spilling over into Sunday morning?

I think this one is going to be sparsely attended......
Food for thought. There may not be a 2007 at Nashville. I was told that the event last year at AMS was canciled due to lack of entries. If Nashville doesn't get enough entries it may suffer the same fate. Also, Atlanta region has been in negotiations with AMS, and the track is trying to get SCCA back.
I probably won't be at Nashville either. I had planned to run the event until I found that CCR is running a resttricted regional two weeks later at CMP. I would much rather run a road course, and i can't do both.

The change from a double to a single is going to make me think about it. I'll probably still go, but the economics work out much better for a double. It's only 4 hours from Atlanta, just like everything else.

I didn't realize the road course was just 1.4 miles. I thought it would be short, but not that short. I'll feel like I'm autocrossing again. Should actually suit my car pretty well with the torque it makes.

I looked at a number of ways to make a Double SARRC schedule work plus include a practice session to start everything off and it simply won't fit into a 16-18 hour weekend. Yes I'm aware that folks in the Carolinas are reluctant to travel eight hours one way for a single SARRC, but you DO have Monday off to travel home. We kept Monday open out of concern for being able to get home early and avoid the Labor Day rush for both racers and workers alike. This event is a calculated gamble on our part, but it's the only option we have right now.

The first year at Barber was a Regional/SARRC with only one session on track before the Regional. They also didn't finish until 7:30 that evening even after shortening the races. That experience at Barber factored into the Stewards' decision to not approve our original request for a Double SARRC.

The track is 1.41 miles, but it has a faster top end than CMP. I ran the same gear we run at CMP during last year's Track Trials event and was on the rev limiter at the Start/Finish line (which is WELL before the braking zone for Turn 1). The track is 40 feet wide at a minimum, so there's plenty of room to go two wide even if you don't like each other and passing slower cars will not be a problem. It'll be tough to pass an equal car in the twisty bits, but that's true anywhere (how many of you have passed a competitor in the Esses at Road Atlanta without having a major adrenaline rush?). The main reason I ran the Track Trials last year was to get an idea of how the track races, and I'm (obviously) convinced it races well enough to be fun. One neat thing is that you can see the whole track from just about anywhere in the infield, plus the track will open sections of the grandstands for those that want to watch from there (it's a spectator event just like all Atlanta Region events).

I understand those that will choose to stay home. General rule of thumb is that folks run single SARRCs in their back yard and travel for Doubles. Unless we take a total bath this year I expect we'll be able to run it as a Double in 2007 (assuming no major issues are encountered). There's been a fair amount of interest from the MWDIV and CENDIV guys as well (it's actually closer to them), so there's also the draw of racing against fresh meat. :P

Again, it's the best option we have available to us...

Butch Kummer
Atlanta Region Competition Director
well, as a new asheville transplant, nashville isnt really all that far for me (4hrs approx)...

So I plan to attend. Count one more ITB car on track.

Eddie, I will look for the red ITB wabbit. :birra:

I drive a black swift GTI,
This will be my first race on my novice license since completing the 2 schools this year. I too had planned on CMP in the middle of September but was informed by a CCR person at the Blue Ridge Hill Climb that the Ristricted Regional had been cancelled. So, my plans have changed and will be attending Nashville.

I did the Time Trials last year at Nashville and can say my Rabbit GTI had a much higher top speed than Roebling or CMP or VIR North/South (never done Full). So, I will be there in my new ITB Yellow Rabbit and looking for a drafting partner to show me the ropes. Sounds like a lot of fun to me!

Greensboro, NC
well the pit crew (wife), thinks staying at the holiday inn is "roughing it" :lol:

so...I imagine it being nashville there should be plenty of motels around?

I hope to make the drive friday afternoon, find a motel, and maybe register at the track? Havent checked yet to see if registration will be open.
I have to do my yearly tech on sat. morning as I havent run yet this year.

getting the car back from Sports Car Authority after almost eight months of work. Hope to be making power with the big boys now B)
I've got a reservation made at the Sleep Inn & Suites, $61.19 per night through Expedia. Loacated on 109 just north of 40. Mapquest has it at 17 minutes and 16.4 miles from the track.