Last week, Michael and I installed the disc brake rear , with the flipped, stock bushings. The springs are about 400 rear with 500 front with a 16v rear bar/axle. I did the same lateral pull test , on the front end machine. The results are much better than the stock. I could get about 3mm of additional toe out with the same lateral tug on the lower shock bracket. They are still too stiff it seems to me. I have left the option of drilling thru the bushing to soften it up. But I wanted to run it stock to try it.
The total alignment ran sat and sun is ; front ; - 3.5degrees camber, 5mm toe out, Tires at 31# hot
rear ; 3.0 degrees camber, 1in toe out(.100 thou shims), tires at 46# hot
Mike and I made 26 runs total sat and sun; we corded three of the spec racer yokes within 2runs of each other. This shows a much better balance than prior.The tires had a total of about 60 runs , after taken off of some SRF, so tire life is very good.
The car was very neutral sat on the second gear track and very fast on the 80ft slolom sections. Better , but still pushy, on a single pin turn style of situation. Perfect on the 50-60mph sweepers
Sun the track was very slow with first gear areas, 70s , old school. perfect for the Vw with 85hp and decent suspension. I was about 2 sec faster repsectivly than last month, next to the other cars. I was bumped from FSP to combine with DSP(nissan 300zx) and ESP( Toyota supra). Both of these cars beat me by two - three sec on a 46 sec course. I beat them today by .3 on a 58sec course.
The added rear stear reduced the push in the very tight stuff and the sweeperes were very neutral or loose. Not loose enough to lift. but rear drive- ish.
Next ; is to soften up the bushings more and take some rear toe out. I think it has a lot of potential for a road race setup , if I can get them soft enough. I am going to read the rule book and see if I can bolt the axle brackets to the car using soft mounts, like my Ultralight airplane engine mounts. They come in different denstity ratings.MM