This may be the last post on this topic, I can understand a lot of peoples frustrations, but there are several issues here that need to be addressed in my own opinion. These are in no particular order, but here goes.

First, Toni got (volunteered for) her position a little while ago, saw that this issue was going to be "rubber stamped" with no input request sent out to those involved, and tried to inform those affected in the best way she could, given the circumstances, and time constraints.
Second, word starts to get out to the IT7 community, and all sorts of complaints crop up for things that have occurred BEFORE she took the position! (we can't change what has happened before people..).
Third, opinions fly as to how things got to this point, and the SEDIV people inform those that are reading as how to change things thru the proper channels (during this Toni attempts to explain the same thing, and personal attacks are thrown out).
Fourth, the great white north chimes in and an "official" "proclaims" that "Toni you created this mess, so you need to fix it..." then isn't heard from again once he is proven wrong. In my opinion, this "official" OWES TONI AN APOLOGY, based on his comments about a subject which he doesn't know the facts, just states that the same rules apply up north.
(I'll state right here that I don't know all the facts either, but I didn't boldly state that anyone "created this mess" either...)
Jake, this is a discussion board, and I appreciate all input whether I agree with it or not, to your input, you (as always) make some very good points but....... I'm glad I don't race in your region either...(oh wait, I forgot to put in my..) LOL!!!

Bottom line for me is... I fully sympathize w/the racers with whom this ruling affects, but understand that there is a process for all these decisions, and if you weren't involved with the process, then I'm sorry, but get involved to make the changes you want. I am a member of this club, and I hate to see a volunteer worker get raked over the coals for doing what they thought was the right thing, which was to inform the members on what was about to be voted on ("with or without the members input"). Quite frankly, I also say
(remember, this is my own OPINION) shame on the other regions for jumping on a fellow official without knowing most of the "facts" surrounding this particular issue...As far as I'm concerned, there needs to be some public apologies made from several people!
For what it's worth, I don't drive in IT7, though it looks like it is a fun class!.. and this is my own opinion, based on my own knowledge of the SCCA, having been a member for...crap.. for quite a while.
Lets all go have fun racing!!!

Mark P. Larson
A.K.A "never short on words, or opinions" Larson