
I have met and spoken with you numerous times since I started w/ the SCCA in '85. You probably don't know me from Adam, as you meet thousands of people each year. I just want you to know that there are thousands of us who know you, and Jim, who are aware of the millions of hours of service that you 2 have given our club over your many years of service to us. We can't / don't ever fully express our gratitude for all you two have done .... With that in mind, please forgive all who comment here with anything negative about the current rules in our club, and / or how it affects them.... Lots of people (myself included) are just now becoming aware of the electronic media, and are attempting to let their feelings be known. You are doing everything in your power to let the drivers know what is going on, and the process that they need to follow to get things changed... it's just that some of them just became aware of it, and are frustrated that they can't change things NOW!!!

You shouldn't have to, but please forgive the "technologically challenged" people out there...I'm sure they meant no disrespect... (if they did, I'll be more than happy to deal with that on your behalf!!!)
Thank you for all you do!!!!!!
There are people out here that notice!
Mark P. Larson
CFR #164010