Don't hate us all. Some SM driver were great. I like to think as the driver of car # 39 a SM in ITA form I was as gentlemanly as I could be. Sure there are guys who don't use their heads, but there were a lot who did.We were put out of the race in the 11th hour by a SM who dived bombed our team mate in turn 6 spun him around and caused us to hit our guy and put us out. But for the rest of the great drivers Thanks for a great run. When you get to my age just to run for 11 hours is great. To those who were not that great, hopefully next time you will be, I'm sure.

Being a teammate of Greg's, I lean towards his feelings on the Miata's. However, I did comment to him and several others about watching your car (not sure who was driving) nicely four wheel drift through the Carousel in both the dry and the wet in Friday's practice. Fun to watch........

I agree with one of the above posts. I think it was mostley the midpackers that were the problem. The faster Miatas would just wait until the next straight if they couldn't pull off a clean pass. The other problem is that we were in one of the slowest classes out there, although under braking and in the faster corners we could hang with anyone.

Nice to finally meet you in person. From the look of the pics, pitting with you guys had its perks!!
You think the picture of Greg holding the panties was funny, you should have seen him while he was wearing them over his driving suit!! Then, trying to get them off in the hot pits after his stint so that the hundred plus people in the pits wouldn't see him!! We finally determine that public humiliation makes him drive faster!!