yeah, but it went on to say:

But this meeting was different. There was time set aside and taken for Strategic.....
I think it was not well written, but the main point was that this meeting was unusual in that the big picture was the main issue, and the day to day stuff was more in the background.

There's a TON to discuss in these meetings, and a lot of issues are dependant on other issues. It's a big balancing act. What seem like no brainer ideas hit roadblocks when larger picture considerations are brought in. I think that the CRB guys have a pretty good grip on the larger picture of the club.

I think that what they were trying to convey, is that they are (finally ) looking and doing something proactive, not just reacting to letters. ( I know it's been discussed for years internally, but.....)

Yes, letters are important, but thats not the entire role of the CRB.

Agreed though, not the best "wordsmithing" on that one.

All in all, I'm glad to see stuff that we've been talking about for years finally seeing the light of day.