Nothing like turn 5 at Summit Point. Sorry to hear about your mechanical problems gregg. I hope you and Yip can come up to Nelson this year. [/b]
I don't think travelling is in the cards for this year. I will be at Mid-Ohio on Jun 23-26 for the Grand Am Cup race but will probably be running around like a madman (nothing new for me except that I'm working for a different team). I'm even on the fence about Watkins Glen - I wouldn't mind going but am a bit frustrated at spending all the money to tow and pay for a hotel in exchange for 5-7 green laps. I still want to get the new motor installed so that I can beat up on Jason's 240SX again (provided he slows down for me) and maybe even start challenging the back of the pack again since the General Li is losing power faster than a dictator in a Banana Republic.