I don't mean to be the voice of doom, but get ready for the fact that Road Atlanta will not be there forever. Urban encroachment is here, taxpayers vote and all we do is spend money in town. The land is already worth more as a golf course than it generates as a race track even with three big money events each year (The Mitty, the Labor Day AMA races and the Petit - oh, and maybe the Drift event). At some point in time Don Panoz or his heirs will decide the take the money and run.

That said, we will do all we can to continue to run there as long as we can, which includes writing the various commissioners and urging them to vote against the residential development. But we're also looking at alternative venues for our events in the future as well.

I find it ironic the proposed development will have "Riverside" in it's name. Who says the racing gods have no sense of humor?

Butch Kummer