Hmmm, sounds like maybe I've been wasting pads & rotors . I've been changing pads when they get down to between 1/2 & 1/3 pad left, and I've always put new rotors on when I change pads. Guess I'm a little too anal about that whole stopping thing . I'll run the old pads this weekend and just keep an eye on them. I always keep at least one set of spares (pads & rotors) with me, so if I notice any drop in performance it won't be a problem to change them out.

Oh, and you're right David, dissipate is the wrong term - insulate is probably the more appropriate word for what I meant. I was referring to the ability of the pads to retard heat transfer from the rotors to the calipers, which I believe declines as the pads wear?

Thanks guys. Jason, James, I'll see you at SP.
