Well Dick, the point I'm trying to make is that I see an issue on the horizon. As I mentioned, I don't even own a CRX, so my input here is not self serving. I don't expect any potential change would occur before the end of this year, and its unlikely I'll be driving this car after '06, so there's not really anything for me to personally gain unless a free ITA CRX ride unexpectedly falls in my lap at some future time (and we all know how often THAT happens).

And as I also stated before, I'm not sure I would buy it either if I was on the outside looking in. But its not just our car, other CRXs are seeming to have issues they didn't really used to have.

Just coincidence?
Maybe, but at this point I'm willing to stick my neck out and say I don't think so. I could look stoopid later, but it wouldn't be the first time.

The mechanism is there to review changes that are made. I'm simply suggesting that this is one that needs to be looked at.