Actually, it was 2 ITA cars that were coming out of turn 5 as Kirk entered turn 5, yours truly and the #24 ITA 240 SX. After my own agricultural event in the carousel the previous lap and losing about 8 positions, I got the blue flag at Start/Finish (those guys are GOOD!) as Kirk was coming out of 10, so I had plenty of warning and knew what to expect. I got another blue flag at 4 and had time to turn in to 5 without screwing up Kirk. [/b]
That was me in the # 24 - I also saw the blue at 1 and 4, but mistakenly believed they were for you coming up behind me, so wasn't looking for the leaders.

but the #24 SX didn't accelerate out of 5, maybe chose the wrong gear.[/b]
So right you are, sir, except "blew the downshift" is probably a more accurate description of what happened going into 5. 5th gear just doesn't work for squat coming out of that turn! Knowing you were right on my tailpipe, as soon as I found the right gear I looked back and saw you coming up on my left, so I moved right to leave you room. Unfortunately I didn't see Kirk until it was too late, when this rocket engulfed in dirt and gravel came flying by on my right. I knew it was close, but had no idea it was THAT close until I watched the video later. As you said, very exciting footage.

I had to dodge to his left to avoid a collision and get out of Kirk's way, leaving the #24 unfortunately in Kirk's path. I went way wide in 6A to give both of them room. All I saw was Kirk boucing back on the track directly in front of me, fishtailing but keeping his foot in it. Nicely done.[/b]
Even for a driver of Kirk's talent that was a great save. And to not even lose the lead, what more can you say. Made for a very memorable first race. I hope the next one is just a touch less "memorable"