I was told by spectators that a corner worker was in the middle of the track trying to direct race cars coming through 8!! Talk about a dangerous situation! The GT1 car that hit the tire wall, exploded the tires when he hit them and they hit me while I was trying to avoid the stalled GT1 car in the middle of the track. Not only that but the next lap the emergency vehicle made so much dust that we could see to drive through it, so all you could do is hope and pray no one had slowed or stopped on the other side of the dust cloud! One person did and got rear ended by a ITS BMW (not the BMW drivers fault). Someone really dropped the ball.

I was hit twice by 2 different cars, one a ITE and One a AS. I was passed under yellow by a GT1 car (I think he was GT1) just after the start finish with the flag clearly in site at turn 1! If you guys ever run ITS with AS, GT1, GT2, T2 and all that other stuff, I'll never be back. I bet I'm not the only ITS that feels this way.
Sorry to hear you had a rough session.

A couple of things you need to keep in mind.

The race stewards are the ones who make the decision to red flag a race. These same stewards travel to other venues so your indication is that Summit Point was the problem ("I'll never be back") is a little rash.

The corner asked for the session to be stopped, the EV crew asked for the session to be stopped. The corner said the track was 75% blocked. The stewards elected to checker the session early.

Many things contributed to this situation. Many of the on scene officials said the group as a whole was over driving the situation, the dry conditions caused the dust and the stewards made a bad call, the session should have been red flagged.

Please give the D.C. region another chance. I have been a worker for 7 years now and there has never been this many things go wrong all at onceas it did in this situation. We learned a lot and will be making changes to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Finally, if you don't like the way things were handled. I suggest you volunteer for the stewards program. Maybe you can help make a difference.