I understood what you meant, Joel...I agree. When I first starting going to the Runoffs (the good ones, at Atlanta), I was so impressed by the running of one class at a time. Now, for a number of financial reasons, I suspect, you see a National Championship race in which the purity of a class is poluted by a mixture of classes in a group in order to make a show and expedite a time frame.

To protect myself from assault, I have no problem with that at such venues as the ARRC as they run on a different budget than the national office.

Even though I have to drive forever to race my class, and don't get to do it near as often as time will allow, I love racing in the SEDIV and CFR. The groups are huge, my class is super competitive, and a good time is had by all. That's the reason I race ITC. I can afford to go to the races, stay at a decent motel, and eat at nice restuarants each evening without selling a body part or winning the lottery.