Jake, as a owner driver of a 1st gen & an ITAC member how about pretending for a moment you had a desire to race your car in G Production. How about a positive stroke for your friends (IT racers) who would like the car classed in G Production. It's another option classs to race with. From my perspective the Production folks should be happy that people would like their car of choice classed in an attempt to increase the race class size. I understand the on track difference of full prep cars & limited prep cars.

The fact that ISC is following a current trend is not a news flash to many of us. I could name some shops in the North East as could you that are serveing the Spec Miata crowd. They are business people.

***I'll take that at 2280 at the get go rather than not being classed in G period.***

This sentence ^ kind of says what it needs to say.