Well, if it were me, I'd run to the Home Despot, or the bLowes, (kidding) and pick up some PvC plumbing parts to "prove/disprove" the theory parts of it. I think you can fab up a pretty fast set of parts, with some rubber hoses and some U and 90 degree bends to try a bunch of different configurations out before dyno time.

Then on the dyno, you can just swap the parts out to get some quick direction.

I'd love to take credit for such a concept but I have seen some very bright engineers do it to make sure that their theory matched reality before commencing with more time consuming methods. (One guys dyno results were strong enough that he actually raced the "mock up" for a while before finalizing it)
I have developed a relationship with my local NAPA store, and they allow me to "putter" around the back area looking for the weird bends of pipes and hoses I might need for whatever project I am working on. Look at large truck radiator style hoses as well.

Once you have what you think is the final direction, you can get fancier with the right silicone hoses and such.