Overall it looks great! I think the uphill is a great improvement, I hope everyone remembers that the actaul pavement is still the same and if you dropped off 2 wheels before you can't suddenly go faster jsut cause the gaurdrail is farther away... Hint to Raymond java script:emoticon('', 'smid_13&#39

I only see 1 spot that my car would have got serious damage if these "improvements" where made 3 years ago... Who else has gone into the corner off to the left before no name straight.... Looks like those 3 layers of tires will help but it is still a good 10' closer. I have tapped the tires in the old location but now that would be much different!

I like the idea of being cost effective and installing the new gaurdrails in front of the old ones. Much cheaper and deffinety looks like the person in charge of this project is consious that we all dislike the already high rental fees and that these improvements had to be done as cheap as possible. Maybe they have extra money to repave the track java script:emoticon('', 'smid_25&#39
