Well the irony of it all is that ...as the "instigator" of this thread, I have enjoyed all the comments that have been made during the last while... I asked the question as I has looked at a ITS ex-Grand AM car and thought that might be the way to go, that car sold, but I still wanted to make a change from FWD to RWD and find something competitive. I didn't want to go with a SM as the cars just don't allow "tinkering" for me. Long story short...I'll be wheeling a '94 ITA Miata sometime soon. Stu at BSI is building the mechanicals, and I'm doing the electricals, between us, it should be a pretty good car. A class "killer" I don't think so, as the Honda product is going to be hard to beat for power, but if the track is twisty we should be able to give them an honest run...

Won't know much more until it hits the track for the first time (in about a month)...

Details to follow.

PS: Look out for my ITB golf in the NE as that's it's new home!