as far as your fairy dust comment Kevin I will take it as a joke especially since your father calls me and asks me about cam specs for your motor and I have been always nice and shared info to a point with you guys![/b]
It was absolutely, 120% a joke and even meant as a compliment. I've run against many MSN engine equipped cars now and every single one of them is a freaking horse down the straights.....and everyone of them will come out of any tech with flying colors. I know that and I know that it's a direct result of a ton of hours and a ton of development. I have nothing but respect for you, your guys, and your shop - you've been great to me. So when I say that you sprinkle some "magic fairy dust" on your engines, it's a compliment because it's just that. It's something you guys have that isn't easy to come by and why people come to you for some of the best engines in the business.