Hello again,
Regarding me taking charge again, don't hold your breath. I had that big bullseye on my back from late 1991 until spring of 1999. They haven't asked and I ain't interested. I am happy to do sub-contract specific scope of work jobs for the track, I will always love the place, but I don't want to be, nor do I need to be, in charge. But thanks for the sentiment.
Regarding grinding the track, I have an appointment with our asphalter/paving company next week and intend to fully investigate the grinding option. No guarantees, but it will be looked at carefully.
We will all miss the old Lime Rock racing through a country road feel, but as ever progress eventually catches up. I just hope all this work results in a safer track with fewer crashed cars and in time I thik we will all kind of put blinders on and the fences will blend in.
Remember before we paved the paddock roads in, what, mid 1990's ? New folks since then never knew it any other way. I suspect this will be the same in time.
Mike Rand