.....What about my query before re mods to the trailing arms to facilitate SBs - is that legal (in IT)?
Well, I went back and I think you are referring to your comment about the Flat Out units that require tack welds. If so, I think Andy pointed out that they make those for the E-Prod guys who can clearly do some tack welding.

Now, in IT, most (60% I would guess,) of the population would respond that tack welding to an susp component is a modification (The metal is bigger now), and is not legal. Lot's of companies sell cassettes and other "end around" solutions that get pricey to comply with that belief.

The other 40% thinks that a tack weld is fine, as no function of the arm is really affected except to hold the SB in place. A convenience mod, as it were. They feel that if you JB welded it, your result would be similar, if less effective, so why not just tack weld it.

My interpretation is with the 60%. "Unmodified" means that the metalof the component should remain unmodified....not machined, lightened, drilled, welded, gusseted, and so on.

Of course that means if I want to make my arms stop rusting, and I take them to be sandblasted for powdercoating, that I am really in violation as the sandblasting modifies the metal by removing trace amounts.

It's a question of where you draw the line, and how crazy you want to get, LOL....

As the rule is written though, I am uncomfortable with any method of attachment that isn't "non invasive".

My 3 cents.....