Anthony....I agree that, in each model affected, the gulf between the "haves" and the "have nots", will possibly grow. More weight will hut the guys who can't develop completely, but I think we differ on the amount of hurt the lesser develoed guys will feel. As you said, thats always the way in racing. But.....I think that in each class, there will be more models that have a shot. And I really don't think that the changes will make losers out of winners. I have no doubts that (if you can find the time between the Pro races you guys are doing, to field an IT car), you'll be right there in your usual spot. Hopefully though, there will be more guys, in different models, nipping at your heels, maybe even a jellybean!

yea, getting around the restrictor is possible, just like it is now, but less so, and the SIR will require flat out cheating.

I hear you on the weight issue. Your old red car (the teg you sold last year) always was a bit overweight if I recall correctly. Ray lee Chee says he's always 60 or so over.. Anyway, I seem to recall a rules discussion about ballast location and attachment. Not sure what happened to that. Maybe a letter to the CRb is in order. I like the idea of utilzing the pass seat mount structure where possible.

I hope you're wrong on less entries ...I hope we don't see guys leaving because they no longer have the big dog. The changes shouldn't make other dogs the big ones, just all dogs equal. If guys are leaving, I think it will be because they aren't the type that want to really race for the win.

The 1.8 Miata is at that weight because the process plus adders and subtractors put it there. I think it will be a good choice with the strong factory support, but it still has achilles heels, like all cars.

Getting back to ITS, you think the Teg GSR weight should be 2600? Thats what, 80-90 off? With over 190 at the wheels, thats interesting. What torque could you make? Where is that cars weakness? Why won't the guys play, LOL??(If they only want to race against their own kind, well thats another thing, but if the car is a contender, whats the issue?

Thanks for the input.

When can we go back and see some more tapes? Maybe after your first GA race?