since the SIR is to restrict power at the top end .and there seems to be a target HP in ITS, then why not require all ITS cars to require them and level the playing field. hp wise, then adjust weight by your formula????so all car would have the same formula for speed and competetiveness in this class????[/b]
I think that understates and simplifies the issue.

If all other popular cars are limited within the ruleset to power that can be managed by weight alone why add the restriction. Everyone knows that fully prepared IT legal E36 was able to generate power beyond that expected when it was classed and would result in an undesirable total weight. The reason not to slap SIRs on all cars was expressed very clearly - the weight necessary to balance their power was reasonable.

As I see it the only option over the SIR was to kick the E36 out of IT as being beyond the range IT currently supports. This could have either been done by burdening the car with so much weight there would be no desire to field one or to explicitly remove it from classing. While SIRs may discourage some from participating I think the decision that was made provides the best solution for this car that were it being asked to be classed for the first time today might not have been listed at all.

I think it is unfair to characterize those who made the decision as anything but forthright - I think those who made the conclusion were pained to make it, but were sincerely looking to the good for all participants. A decision to just throw weight at the issue would have had much more dire circumstances, one supra example jeez weight does matter people.