
If I told you that my new engine puts out 190 whp and this new restrictor would not affect me, I'll take it, but how do you know for sure. I just had a rebuild and I do not believe I even have that much but I want to think positive. I am going to a dyno Wed. to get my GTS sheet for NASA. Please make me believe I would have no restrictions. If the SIR only prevents top HP, why not make every ITS car have one, If your right it won't affect any other car at all. I feel better knowing all ITS people will have to shell out the $$ for this new device. $$ is an issue with some of us drivers.


I misread your post. When you said "his" engine, I thought you were talking about the to RX-7 at the ARRC. My bad.

Tell us who the engine builder is, what the extent of the development is AND if it has programmable fuel management. Qualify your data if you want us to validate it.

You know the RX-7 weight. We have dyno sheets from a BMW guy showing 195whp. IT IS THE LOWEST WE HAVE ON FILE. Top cars showing 210 with full, 100% developement. Why are you using only the numbers that serve your arguement? We are using numbers supplied by BMW owners.

The best vs. best caclulations have been done. 195 is a very good build. 210 is tops we have seen. 175 is an average Mazda build. 181 is as much as we have seen but have heard 182.

195/2850 = 14.62
175/2680 = 15.31


210/2850 = 13.57
181/2680 = 14.81 (182/2680 = 14.73)
There may be some advantage, but it is track/gear dependent, not outright speed beneficial. If you you want speed, revving past your power peak is not gonna get you there down the track. Holding a gear longer into a corner without shifting can have it's upside.

Re-read the account on the review of the Huffmaster RX-7 video. PULLED down the straight by an obscene amount of car lengths. Please don't use the example as to the equality, then discount the evidence that it lays the pipe to the RX-7 in terms of power.
