I gotta ask is desiring the same things that are allowed by line in Touring to be generally available in IT now rules creep towards Production? Say there is a future T4 car that was allowed a line item diff cooler in Touring are we going to take it away from them when they move to Improved Touring? Or are we going to commit the cardinal IT sin of maintaining as an IT line spec?

How do costs go up for everybody - if there is no benefit to using a modification is everybody forced to use it? It would seem that in the end analysis it only affects those that use it - and they would make the decision if it was going to be worthwhile to do or not.

This is similar to other areas I have issue with in the IT ruleset (mostly lack of permitted mods). Going back to the what makes IT IT and Prod Prod thread what about IT makes this an unreasonable mod to permit?

I think there are a lot of things that have the potential to help costs and longevity that are excluded by "rules creep" excuses. Especially something that can be as clearly isolated to avoid unintended consequences as air cooling friction fluids.