Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 17 2006, 09:37 AM
You'd be surprised how many officials are happy to have me around to do the dirty work when some nut case comes up with a lame brained scheme they need to expose.
If that is truly the case then you should be putting up their names here as well. If an official is not willing to take the heat and make the tough decisions, then other sports beckon. Personally, I don't think that happens nearly as much as you allude to. But even if it is that common I'm tired of hearing ths same sorry excuse from you for YOUR poor behavior with nothing to back it up. As I said before, you've gotten the word out so now it's time to shut up.

And don't try to down play the threats that you made. Be man enough to admit that you DID physically and legally threatened several people during this whole rampage of yours. Those are the not the acts of a pacifist. They are the acts of someone who can't resolve issues through rational discussion and someone who should not be entertaining delusions of being the sole champion of causes for the "real racers."

Now, will the moderator please lock this discussion as it has again degenerated into another pointless waste of time.